Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Full of Thanks

Every year my church puts on a fun Thanksgiving service to celebrate what God has done over the course of the year. It focuses on {surprise!} being thankful for all He has accomplished through each individual. Some people give testimonies of His goodness. Members from a local Hispanic church and African church present worship songs in their native tongues.

One of the best parts about this Thanksgiving tradition is that every year, each small group or family dress up as something different. Last year a group of people dressed up as fruit. The year before some dressed up as royalty. This year there were injured 80's people, crayons, 50's housewives, and my small group, which was super heroes. I was Captain Homemaker, aka Super Mom!

My roommate Jessica was the fabulous superhero Glitter Girl
Photo taken by Maria

I've been reminded this year of God's continued goodness. There is never a point in our lives where He isn't a faithful Father. I've been reminded of this quote by A.W. Tozer:
“The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us. ”

What are YOU thankful for this year??

Monday, November 12, 2012

Flashback Lipcolor

I'm sorry for being MIA for three weeks.

The good news is I'm back full force and ready to come at you with some awesome blog posts!

Today's post is in honor of a trend that I'm finally jumping on the bandwagon with: dark {oxblood} lips.

{Thank you instagram for the SWEET filter}

I know, I know. You're jealous of the clarity of picture my phone takes.
I have avoided the trend of dark lips since it started peaking its face out on the runway last year. It reminds me of when I would pretend to be Posh Spice from the Spice Girls and played with pogs at recess.  Who could forget the gloopy frosted brown or the gothic deep purple?

This look has been updated slightly by adding more deep red pigmentation to the lip color. The key to pulling this trend off is choosing the right color based on your complexion.

If you have a cool complexion, select dark colors that have purple and blue undertones, such as a berry or bordeaux.

For those who have a warm skin tone, look for gold and coral undertones, such as brick and golden red.

At this point you may be asking yourself, "I have no idea what my skin tone is." That's okay! I'm going to share with you a little trick: take a look at the veins of your inner wrist. If they appear blue you have a cool skin tone; green veins mean you're a warm.

One more vital step in successfully accomplishing this look: exfoliating! Get your lips damp, take a little bit of sugar and rub it on your lips for a minute. Wash off any excess and proceed with applying gorgeous dark color to your lips.