Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday to the best mom in the entire world! {okay, I may be a little biased}

Mom I love you so much and am so blessed to have you as my mom. I know I often take your life experiences for granted but I want you to know that I really think everything you've done in your life is truly incredible.

Mommy and me circa 1992

Thanksgiving 2009

You have offered the world so much. Your admirable work ethic and work/home balance amazes me. I hope some day to be a mom like you.

There is much to be said about someone who is as accomplished as you--your ability to cook fantastic meals, clean spotlessly, sew and quilt like a master, be an affectionate wife and mother, follow Jesus, change our city for the better with the influence that you have through work and find a way to work out in the midst of all that blows me away.

I love you so much, mom. Happy Birthday!! xoxoxo

{P.S. If you were wondering, she's the one I got my style from! :)}

The below images are courtesy of EMZ Photography

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