Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mini Lesson: How to Take a Good Picture

Have you ever looked at yourself in a picture and thought, "either that is the most unflattering angle or I'm the least attractive person alive."? I am SO guilty of thinking this on occasion. I'll leave the house thinking, "I look really cute today!" and I'll see a picture of myself later and the camera is all, "LOL, no."

I read Psalm 96:6 today and it said this: "Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary." ESV

I've been thinking a lot lately about how the presence of the Lord is where I am made beautiful, regardless of how I feel. I'm no stranger to feeling ugly. Thoughts of my weight or imperfect skin or facial structure often plague me. Truthfully, I encounter it daily.

But it's not how I feel that matters. It's the fact. This is what the Bible tells me is factual: "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord." Psalm 45:11 NIV

Enthralled, huh?

Yeah, that's right. Because nothing the Lord makes is mediocre. Least of all, His beloved children whom He made in His image.

Back to posing. The most important part of any photo is the woman. When the woman {or women} looks good, everyone and everything else in the picture look good. Research has showed that the most attractive side of your face is the left side. This is because the left side of your face {which is controlled more by the creative right side of your brain} shows more emotion.

Right side vs. Left side

Full height poses are incredibly difficult to pull off unless you are tall and have an athletic body shape. Instead of standing straight, position your body in an "S" shape with all your weight on one foot and your hip and shoulder going two different ways.

Slight "S" shape pose
If you are facing the camera and can't move, slightly bend your right knee and move it half way in front of your left knee. Bend forward slightly and tilt your head a shade.

"Planking" pose ;)

Tell me about your awkward/awesome posing experiences!

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