Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Six Hundred Dollar Shoes

Sorry about all the cheesy poses. I'm new at this, okay?

Blazer: Forever 21, Studded Shirt: Forever 21, Undershirt: Thrifted, Jeans: American Eagle,  Earrings: gifted, Bracelet: Forever 21, Shoes: Thrifted

A few weeks ago I went shopping with a newlywed couple that are good friends of mine. We decided to go to a discount shoe store to look for {can you guess??} new shoes for T. C and I were browsing the sale shoe items when she pointed out a pair of insanely expensive black Guiseppe Zanotti flats that had been marked down. 

It was love at first sight.

The immaculate matte leather exterior was smooth to the touch. The beautifully crafted hand stitched bows on the front added the perfect not-too-small but not-too-large detailing. The insides and soles of the shoes had the most perfect beige leather I've ever seen. Not too yellow and not too pink. Perfection at its finest. And I've always loved the smell of Italian leather.

Even being half off their original price plus eighty percent off that was too much for my poor jobless bank account. 

We were about to leave and I was mentally wishing my precious babies goodbye when C grabbed the shoes and looked at me.

"A birthday gift from T and I." She said. 

And that, my friends, is a story of one BLESSED woman. God is so faithful to take care of even the silliest desires we have. 

Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him." <3

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